Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Kannyakumari Visit

This is the first time I visited Kannyakumari. It was a long drive from Ernakulum and we took our own time. Having traveled by road mostly in Western Maharashtra state, I noticed a huge difference while travelling down NH-47 highway. In Maharashtra, once you drive outside the city or town, farmlands or barren land stretches all the way with a few villages or small towns in between. However, all along NH-47, the entire stretch was populated! There were beautiful green rice farms and banana & coconut plantations visible as we neared Kannyakumari.

The next day morning we visited Vivekananda Memorial. We saw the sunrise and then took the ferry boat to the memorial, which was just 5 minutes away. Local fishermen were up working and getting their first catch. The market was also bustling with activity.

After visiting Vivekananda Memorial, we visited a local wax museum. A local artist had created was replicas of a dozen famous Indian personalities. It was a very good effort.

Overall we had a good time at Kannyakumari. The picture above were taken during this visit.

In my next post I will put some assorted pictures which I capture along our way.

1 comment:

Pavani said...

Hi Abhi,

Interesting..I just caught up with all your blogs and feel like going on a train trip in India myself...keep the blogs coming. It also looks like you have a good wireless Internet connection..

Happy new year!